Sophie la Girafe: Teether Toy
“Sophie is simply prettier, softer and cooler than any other teether.”—LA Times
Indulge a beloved newborn or baby with the iconic French teether toy Sophie la girafe (spotted peeking out of many a Parisian pram). Made in France out of 100% natural rubber, she has been the most popular teether in France for more than fifty-five years and is the original all-natural teether.
Why is Sophie such an effective teether? Sophie la girafe has long legs, which babies love to put into their mouths, so they can chew the entire length of their gum bed. Most other teethers can only help with the front teeth, and not when baby is growing the rear teeth. Therefore, Sophie la girafe helps with early and late-stage teething. She’s soft and squeaks, and babies can focus on her spots at an early age.
Sophie is 7″ tall and 3-3/4″ wide. 0+ months.